Some people may tend to get these two conditions confused. For that reason, this article will attempt to give you ways to differentiate the two. […]
Sometimes when people do a lot of running they will notice that there is numbness in their feet or in one or even all of[…]
Bone Spurs are deposits of calcium that have built up. They are not painful and you really don’t even notice that they are there. When[…]
Heel pain is a common complaint heard by podiatrists and general practitioners. There are many things that can cause this type of pain, including diabetes[…]
Cryosurgery is also known as cryotherapy. Most of you are probably aware that the prefix cryo has to do with freezing temperatures. Cryosurgery has[…]
Laser treatments are becoming more and more relevant throughout the world. Lasers can be used to treat a great number of various medical conditions. Some[…]
Plantar fibromatosis is a condition that affects the feet. Extra fibrotic tissue and collagen can collect and cause hardened nodules right beneath the skin. This[…]
Sometimes runners can have pain in the ball of their feet after running. This condition is known as metatarsalgia. The bones in the ball[…]
Are you aware that foot hygiene involves other things besides washing your feet in the shower or bath? There are actually 3 parts to maintaining[…]
For those of you who like to run, the running shoe is the main tool of your trade. When making your choice of shoes, take[…]