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Bone Spurs And Their Treatment

Bone spurs occur in one out of every ten people, and most cases do not cause much pain. A bone spur is an abnormal growth of the bone in the foot that extends past the other bones. The bone will be very tiny, but still noticeable.

Common Causes of Bone Spurs

An inflammation of the area from osteoarthritis or tendonitis is the most common cause of bone spurs. The inflammation aggravates the cells in the foot and causes them to formulate bone in the aggravated area. Inflammation located in the Achilles tendon may cause bone spurs to form in the heel of the foot. Plantar fasciitis may lead to a bone spur forming under the foot toward the heel.


Bone spurs do not always come with symptoms. If symptoms do occur from a bone spur, a person may feel a small amount of pain or tenderness and some numbness in the area. Heel spurs can cause some foot pain and swelling, on some occasion, making it difficult to walk.

Treatment For Bone Spurs

Most bone spurs are not treated unless they have some symptoms mentioned in the previous paragraph. Treatment will first try to remedy the inflammation of the bone spur area. Some anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed to be taken orally or by an injection, like Celestone. This depends on the bone spur’s location. Sometimes, orthotics are used to help treat the bone spur, dependent upon where the bone spur is located. If a bone spur is resisting more common treatments, then a podiatrist may order a surgical operation to treat the bone spur. However, this only necessary if the bone spur has been causing the patient problems.

There are really no available means to help prevent bone spurs from forming other than wearing proper-fitting shoes that will not hurt a person’s foot. Bone spurs are very common and natural.


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