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A Bunionectomy Procedure

A bunionectomy may be required to remove a toe bunion. A bunionectomy can best be described as a surgical procedure that is used in order to remove a bunion. A bunion is located at the big toe’s base and is a noticeable enlargement of the toe’s joint comprised of soft tissue and bone. Common causes of bunion formation are inflammation and irritation that is the result of wearing poorly fitting shoes and in conjunction with first metatarsal joints that have become overly mobile. The bunion will eventually appear on the side of the big toe’s joint, causing the big toe to buckle and move inward towards the second tow. Bone growth can oftentimes occur do the inflammation of the area, resulting in bone spurs developing in the area. When this happens, a bunion may form from both soft tissue and a hard bone spur. The bunion can cause a person very severe and intense pain making it very difficult for that person to walk and perform other activities. The big toe’s joint is very important and involved piece in the structure of the foot that provides someone with weight-bearing stability, so when there is intense pain stemming from that area of the foot, walking on the foot with the bunion and trying to avoid placing pressure on the aggravated area may result in an unstable gait.

Bunioectomies are usually not performed until all other options have been tried and have failed. There are many options that may help treat bunions, including anti-inflammation medications, orthotics, wearing wide-toed shoes or sandals, and placing a well-padded cushion against the joint when wearing a shoe. Bunionectomies are needed when the big toe has begun to move towards the second toe and is now pushing the second toe sideways. When this happens, the foot can become deformed and will cause patients extreme pain. Additionally, this kind of deformity will make it very difficult for patients to find shoes that fit their foot style.

Bunions are first noticed by podiatrists after a patient has visited in order to get answers about why they are experiencing intense pain in the joint and in their big toe. Some patients may have even lost some mobility in the toe. There have been cases in which patients have reported that they hear a cracking or popping sound coming from the joint when they walk or move in a certain way. Podiatrists perform physical examinations of the patient’s foot and examine the history of the symptoms. X-rays could possibly be ordered in order to view how severe of a deformity of the foot has occurred. The physical examination will sometimes include a walking assessment and standing exam. These examinations will help podiatrists measure the patient’s range of motion. Additionally, a check for calluses will be done for they are indicators of odd friction patterns occurring in the foot. Some examinations will include a neurological assessment.

Bunionectomies are the last option, typically, and will only be used for severe cases of bunion formation. A person that is experiencing bunion symptoms should seek the advice of a podiatrist.




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