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Delray Beach Podiatry

The Difference Between Running and Walking Shoes

When Rarshad Lewis returned to the Wizards lineup after yet another knee problem, a fan asked him if he was going to play in that game. Lewis replied, “I got a flat tire.” Actually, he did play and made the history books as one of only three NBA players to score 15,000 points. He finished the evening with 15,006 points to his credit, including 1,690 three-pointers. Not bad for a guy who has been plagued with injuries recently. He’s not alone in the injury department.

After fourteen years in the intense sport of professional basketball, it isn’t surprising to see some injuries crop up. The relentless pace and fast play expose players to a high risk of injury both from repetitive use and from collisions and falls. Protecting their feet and legs while going for the best score possible is a tall order.

The Difference Between Running and Walking Shoes

According to the University of California Medical Center, many amateur athletes suffer needless stress injuries because their footwear is not up to the task. Weekend warriors don’t depend on income from their sports, but they still need to take good care of their feet and ankles. The right running or walking shoes can make a big difference.

Every foot is an individual and should be treated with the respect and care that a faithful servant deserves. Feet carry their owners through busy days and all sorts of adventures. They take a lot of stress, especially if their humans participate in intensive sports. Most people don’t think much about their feet unless they develop pain from injuries. Wise sportsmen protect their feet with good shoes that fit well and provide the right kind of support.

To get the right kind of shoes, consider both the type of foot and the sport. Athletic shoe stores provide correct footwear for all foot types and sports, but the customer needs to let salespeople know exactly what he requires.

UC recommends shoes with extra cushioning and a soft insole for people with high arches or a stiffer sort of foot. These features reduce stress on the feet and joints. Those with a low arch or a foot that pronates (rolls inward) will require extra support both under the arch and in the front of the shoe. This will help to protect the integrity of bone structure in the foot and thus prevent overuse injuries.

Shoes also must be appropriate for the particular sport. Running and walking , basketball and golf shoes, and hiking shoes are all constructed to accommodate certain types of body movements and stresses. A shoe that is right for one sport will not necessarily perform well in a different situation. A well-trained and experienced fitter will usually be able to recommend a good match.

The fitter is also the key to getting shoes that are the right size for the athlete’s feet. No shoe, no matter how well made, can make up for a poor fit. Too much room or too little will be detrimental to the performance of both the shoe and the athlete.

Once he has the new shoes, the athlete must also break them in properly. If unsure about the best way to do this, consult the fitter and/or coach. Getting this step right will help the customer avoid the inconvenience of blisters and serious discomfort.

Even high-priced shoes will wear out with time and use. That favorite pair needs to be replaced when the tread or the heel shows wear. People who run on a regular basis need to purchase new athletic shoes every six months, sometimes more often, to prevent unnecessary stress and injuries.

Athletes can keep their feet and joints in good shape by getting the right shoes and following a good conditioning program. According to Dr. Michael Terry, orthopedic surgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and head physician for the Blackhawks, this includes:

  • Paying extra for really good shoes and equipment
  • Wearing orthotic devices if recommended by a podiatrist
  • Building strong muscles through routine conditioning that includes yoga, Pilates, band training and jumping jacks
  • Alternating intense, shorter work-out sessions with longer endurance training
  • Being careful not to push beyond the point that the body responds well
  • Warming up adequately
  • Avoiding serious fatigue
  • Paying attention to proper form
  • Promptly treating any injury, following doctor’s advice and waiting for complete healing before returning to play

Feet and legs serve their humans well and deserve the care and protection that will keep them healthy. The only person who can protect them properly is the athlete himself. Good shoes go a long way toward ensuring healthy feet and legs.

Getting Professional Treatment

The Podiatrist is a specialist in s foot, ankle, knee or lower leg problems. The time to see a podiatrist is when you suspect something may be wrong or when pain will not subside.

It is always our express intent to recommend that you take no chances with foot, ankle or knee pain, or injuries. Professional treatment to relieve the pain is available from doctors such as Delray Beach’s Dr. Ian Goldbaum of Delray Beach Podiatry, who has provided us with this blog. If the pain continues, a podiatrist with Dr. Goldbaum’s experience should be consulted. You must get proper treatment to prevent permanent damage.

Our Staff writers are freelance writers with higher education related to, or experience researching and writing for, medical blogs; with education or experience equal to under graduate and graduate degrees in the fields of medicine.
photo credit: Ma Got Sole via photo pin cc
photo credit: via photo pin cc

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